Breaking Down Walls: Raising Funds For Ukraine

Presented By

The Metro Film And Arts Foundation

Jun 11th @ 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The Metro Film And Arts Foundation, with generous support from the J & J Arts Initiative, presents Breaking Down Walls, an evening of animation, dance, music, poetry and theater, at Fort Mason Center For Arts & Culture. Breaking Down Walls showcases the artists who have been selected to create and debut new works that focus on the theme of “Breaking Down Walls.” The Breaking Down Walls project highlights art as a common ground for recognition and celebration of our shared humanity.

The Metro Film And Arts Foundation has provided grants to artists from a variety of disciplines to create pieces in their own voice. Each artist explores what it means to transcend the deeply felt divisions along racial, political, religious, social, and economic lines.Artists presenting work on Saturday, June 11, 2022, 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., include:

Singer and Songwriter: Will Hammond, Jr.

Choreography/Dance: Mia J. Chong and the Post:ballet with music by Vân-Ánh Võ

Theater: Teatro Nagual, Playwright: Nicole Limón, Director: Richard Falcón

Poets: Aileen Casinetto, Tureeda Mikell, Kim Shuck, and Maw Shein Win

Animation: Jaroslav Baran

The evening’s emcee is Dhaya Laskhminarayanan, a San Francisco comedian and writer whose storytelling enlivens the Snap Judgment podcast on NPR and The Moth Radio Hour.

Please buy tickets in advance.

Breaking Down Walls is partnering with the House Of Ukraine museum to raise funds for Ukraine.

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