International Ocean Film Festival 2025
International Ocean Film Festival
Apr 11th Through Apr 13thThe 22nd Annual International Ocean Film Festival (IOFF) at Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture makes waves with three days of exhilarating, ocean-themed independent film screenings, filmmaker question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions, and free panel discussions.
The IOFF screens more than 30 films from around the globe; ranging from shorts to feature-length work and live-action documentaries. Films focus on fascinating ocean animals and plants and amazing marine environments; such as whales, more marine mammals, whale sharks, sharks, sea turtles, starfish, seahorses, manatees, seaweed, sea grass, mangrove habitats, kelp forests, and arctic regions.
Special programs investigate marine eco-issues, surfing, diving, swimming, underwater photography, plastic pollution, icebreaker ships, coastal cultures, restorative reef structures, and more. Visit ocean worlds in Mozambique; Gujarat, India; Eastern Greenland; Dahab, Egypt (Gulf Of Aqaba); the Santa Barbara, CA Channel; the Lombok Islands near Singapore; the Bering Sea in the Arctic; and Southeast Asian coral reefs and mangrove forests.
IOFF 2025 kicks off with two film programs (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) and the Opening Night Party (9:00 p.m.) on Friday, April 11, 2025. The party features appetizers, beer, and wine and includes both film screenings (the All-Access Three-Day Pass). The film screenings only are $10 to $30 ($11.31 to $32.56 with fees) per person.
Individual tickets to single film-screening programs cost $10 to $30 ($11.31 to $32.56 with fees). 2025 day passes provide access to all the film screenings at the Cowell on specific weekend days and cost from $50 to $200 ($53.59 to $211.32 with fees) depending on age and day selected.
The $350 ($369.04 with fees) All-Access Three-Day Pass offers access to two in-person programs at the Smith Rafael Film Center in San Rafael, CA (Saturday, April 5, 2025, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.); the Friday Opening Night Party (Cowell Theater, 9:00 p.m.); April 11 to 13 film programs at the Cowell at FMCAC in San Francisco; Panel Discussions in The Store Room (Building D, FMCAC); the Saturday night Surf Party (with hosted beer and wine); and virtual screenings from April 14 to 28, 2025.
The Weekend Pass ($250, $263.89 with fees) is a great deal with access to in-person Cowell Theater events on April 11 to 13, 2025; Panel Discussions; and the Saturday Night Surf Party. The All-Day Saturday Pass ($200, $211.32 with fees) offers access to in-person Cowell Theater events on Saturday, April 12, 2025; Panel Discussions; and the Saturday Night Surf Party.
Screenings occur in the Cowell Theater and free Panel Discussions (reserve space in advance) let loose in the Tidepool in Landmark Building D, First Floor.