FORT MASON FLIX: 2001: A Space Odyssey (Special Event)
The Long Now Foundation
Oct 27th @ 8:45pmA philosophical statement about man’s place in the universe, transcendent, awe-inspiring…
2001: A Space Odyssey
About: The genius is not in how much Stanley Kubrick does in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” but in how little. This is the work of an artist so sublimely confident that he doesn’t include a single shot simply to keep our attention. He reduces each scene to its essence, and leaves it on screen long enough for us to contemplate it, to inhabit it in our imaginations. Alone among science-fiction movies, “2001″ is not concerned with thrilling us, but with inspiring our awe.
What Kubrick had actually done was make a philosophical statement about man’s place in the universe, using images as those before him had used words, music or prayer. And he had made it in a way that invited us to contemplate it — not to experience it vicariously as entertainment, as we might in a good conventional science-fiction film, but to stand outside it as a philosopher might, and think about it.
— Roger Ebert
Presented by The Long Now Foundation.
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Year Released: 1968
Rating: G
Run time: 129 minutes
Cast: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester
Showing: October 27, 9pm
Special offers
Win free tickets: To celebrate the launch of FORT MASON FLIX, DoTheBay is hosting an exclusive giveaway: a complimentary car pass, plus a food and drink voucher to the movie screening of the winner’s choice. Enter to win at
Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture is proud to partner with DoTheBay, the official media partner of FORT MASON FLIX, Xfinity, Volume Inc., Large Screen Video, and Edlen. Organizations interested in sponsoring FORT MASON FLIX should contact