FORT MASON FLIX: From Dusk till Dawn
Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture
Oct 30th @ 9:00pm“Has anybody here read a real book about vampires, or are we just remembering what a movie said? I mean a real book.”
From Dusk till Dawn
About: Bank robbing brothers Seth (Clooney) and Richard Gecko (Tarantino) create a trail of carnage as they head for what they hope is freedom beyond the Mexican border. When they run into the doubting pastor Jacob Fuller (Keitel), his daughter Katherine (Lewis) and son Ernest (Liu), they commandeer the family’s RV and force their new hostages to drive them to safety. At a truck stop’s biker bar, the brothers plan to meet a criminal associate, Carlos (Marin), who will ensure a Mexican sanctuary for a price. Instigating a bar fight, the brothers unleash more than human violence – and only dawn will save them. With an appropriately violent and profanity-fueled script by Quentin Tarantino.
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Year Released: 1996
Rating: R
Run time: 108 minutes
Cast: Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, Juliette Lewis, Ernest Liu, Cheech Marin, Fred Williamson, and Salma Hayek
Showing: October 30, 9pm
Special offers
Win free tickets: To celebrate the launch of FORT MASON FLIX, DoTheBay is hosting an exclusive giveaway: a complimentary car pass, plus a food and drink voucher to the movie screening of the winner’s choice. Enter to win at
Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture is proud to partner with DoTheBay, the official media partner of FORT MASON FLIX, Xfinity, Volume Inc., Large Screen Video, and Edlen. Organizations interested in sponsoring FORT MASON FLIX should contact