Fort Mason Center For Arts & Culture
Mar 26th @ 8:45 p.m.“He better get that trunk out of there before it starts to leak.”
Rear Window
About: A newspaper photographer with a broken leg (James Stewart) passes time recuperating by observing his neighbors through his window. He sees what he believes to be a murder, and decides to solve the crime himself. With the help of his nurse (Thelma Ritter) and wife (Grace Kelly), he tries to catch the murderer without being killed himself. (Rotten Tomatoes)
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Year Released: 1954
Rating: PG
Run Time: 112 minutes
Cast: With James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Thelma Ritter, Wendell Corey, and Raymond Burr
Showing: March 26, 8:45 p.m.
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Win free tickets: To celebrate the launch of FORT MASON FLIX, DoTheBay is hosting an exclusive giveaway: a complimentary car pass to the movie screening of the winner’s choice. Enter to win at
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