St. John Will I Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church At Magic Theatre

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St. John Will I Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church

The St. John Will I Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church is a resident company with Magic Theatre at Fort Mason Center For Arts & Culture. St. John Coltrane Church offers services at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) every Sunday in Magic’s space in Building D on the third floor. On the first Sunday of the month, the church also A Love Supreme Meditation session.

The St. John Coltrane Church encourages everyone to participate in the services by singing along, clapping hands, and dancing. Those who play instruments are welcome to bring them to play. The service consists of confession, the Coltrane liturgy, scripture readings, hymns, spirituals, and preaching.

The meditation on the first Sunday of the month is great for long-time Coltrane lovers and new listeners. A guided meditation on the testimony and music of St. John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme calms minds and helps attendees tune into the spirit. Join St. John Coltrane Church and experience the power of this anointed sound … the music and wisdom of Saint John Coltrane.

Free Admission (donations welcome)

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