ELECTRIC (EXCLUSIVE) Edlen (650) 225-0900 www.Edlen.comGREENING (EXCLUSIVE) Green Mary (707) 548-7582 www.GreenMary.com CATERING 49 Square Catering (415) 834-5348 www.49SqCatering.com Bi-Rite Catering (415) 241-9760 www.BiRiteMarket.com Carrie Dove Catering (415) 460-9995 www.CarrieDoveCatering.com Culinary Eye (415) 824-1225 www.CulinaryEye.com Equator Coffees & Teas www.EquatorCoffees.com (415) 720-1461 Fork & Spoon Productions (415) 552-7130 www.ForkAndSpoonProductions.com Foxtail (415) 282-2600 FoxtailCatering.com Fraiche Catering (925) 683-2800 FraicheCater.com Global Gourmet Catering (415) 701-0001 www.GGCatering.com Kitchenina Kitchenina.com (415) 299-2670 sales@kitchenina.com McCall Associates (415) 552-8550 McCallsSF.com Melons Events & Catering (650) 583-1756 www.MelonsCatering.com Metal And Match (415) 874-7674 www.MetalAndMatch.com Michi Catering (408) 786-6684 www.MichiLife.com Off The Grid (415) 339-5888 www.OffTheGridSF.com Paula LeDuc Fine Catering (510) 547-7825 www.PaulaLeDuc.com Radhaus Alpine Beerhall & Restaurant (415) 445-4556 www.RadhausSF.com Radish (415) 494-9605 www.MyRadish.com Taste Catering (415) 550-6464 www.TasteCatering.com Betty Zlatchin Catering (415) 641-8599 www.BettyZlatchin.com BAR SERVICE Bar Car (415) 874-7674 www.BarCarEvents.com Bartenders Unlimited (415) 454-3731 www.BUBars.com Quality Beverage Catering (415) 886-7221 www.QualityBeverageSF.com San Francisco Cocktail Club cheers@SFCocktail.club www.SFCocktail.club Spritz 66 www.Spritz66.com (707) 536-1186 Tonic Beverage Catering (415) 350-4614 www.TonicBeverageCatering.com CONCESSIONS Cow Hollow Catering (707) 292-7520 www.CowHollowCatering.com INSURANCE The Event Helper (855) 366-9219 www.TheEventHelper.com Wedsafe (877) 723-3933 www.WedSafe.com SECURITY Contemporary Services Corp. (650) 524-8889 www.CSC-USA.com Shaw Management Group (415) 720-8741 www.IKnowShaw.com FLORAL / PLANTS ACME Floral Co. (415) 937-4407 orders@AcmeFloral.com www.AcmeFloral.com Urban Virgo Flower Truck & Events (415) 766-7215 julie@UrbanVirgo.com www.UrbanVirgo.com Ampersand (415) 654-0776 hello@AmpersandSF.com www.AmpersandSF.com The Plant Library (415) 494-7956 info@ThePlantLibrary.com www.ThePlantLibrary.com Pacific Coast Plants (415) 640-0558 info@PacificCoastPlants.com www.PacificCoastPlants.com ART SUPPLIES FLAX Art + Design Store, Bldg D Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture (415) 530-3510 FLAXArt.com | PRINTING / GRAPHICS Sterling Graphics (415) 517-6781 www.Sterling-Graphics.com Sarah Richen Jordan, Account Manager Kitty Coutts, OwnerEVENT LABOR PROVIDER Kinetic Events (888) 351-4126 www.KineticEvents.com RENTALS/TENTS Bright Event Rentals (415) 570-0470 BrightRentals.com Blueprint Studios (415) 922-9004 www.BluePrintStudios.com Standard Party Rentals (510) 232-5030 www.StandardPartyRentals.com Stuart Rental Company (510) 728-2616 www.StuartRental.com UNICA Party Rentals Natalie Rodriguez, Event Consultant (650) 542-6704 Natalie@UNICAPartyRentals.com www.UNICAPartyRentals.com AUDIO / VISUAL / LIGHTING Got Light (415) 863-4300 www.Got-Light.com JL Imagination Event Production and Design Patty Pedreschi, Director of Sales (415) 830-2241 patty@JLImagination.com www.JLImagination.com Impact Lighting & Production (510) 232-5723 www.ImpactSF.com Large Screen Video (877) 578-7276 www.LargeScreenVideo.com NMR Events (800) 637-2496 www.NMREvents.com Owl Vision, LLC (408) 444-5426 www.OwlVisionLLC.com INTERNET NETWORKING PROVIDERS Brown Pelican WiFi (415) 580-7936 BrownPelicanWiFi.com PHOTOGRAPHY/VIDEO Apollo Fotografie (415) 340-6836 www.ApolloFotografie.com Colson Griffith Photography (415) 314-6096 www.ColsonGriffith.com Katie Katz Photography (925) 586-1447 www.HoneyBook.com Nichols Photographers (512) 585-9786 www.NicholsPhotographers.com Orange Photography (415) 255-7478 www.OrangePhotography.com RAPT Productions (510) 834-8575 Lindsay@RAPTProductions.com www.RAPTProductions.com Loren R. Robertson (415) 269-1082 Loren@LorenRobertson.com www.LorenRobertsonProductions.com SnapFiesta (855) 762-7343 SnapFiesta.com ENTERTAINMENT All Ears DJ (785) 766-2596 www.AllEarsDJ.com Boutique DJs & Entertainment (877) 775-5758 www.BoutiqueDJs.com Circosphere (650) 276-6398 CircoSphere.com Denon & Doyle Entertainment (415) 861-5021 www.DJay.com Entire Productions (415) 291-9191 EntireProductions.com Joey The Cat (415) 869-8661 www.JoeyTheCat.com Zhaldee’s Eats & Beats Zhaldee@Zhaldee.com Zhaldee.com TRANSPORTATION Bauer’s Transportation (800) LIMO-OUT [546-6688] www.BauersIT.com Cable Car Charters (415) 922-2425 www.ClassicCableCar.com Cabrio Pedicabs (415) 735-3700 www.CabrioTaxi.com VALET (EXCLUSIVE) CA Parking (415) 447-1700 www.CaliforniaParking.com Soiree Valet Service (415) 284-9700 www.SoireeValet.com EQUIPMENT Cresco Equipment Rentals (415) 920-2801 www.CrescoRent.com RIGGING Stage Rigging, Inc. (650) 299-1189 www.Stage-Rigging.net |