BATS Improv: The Death Show

Presented By

BATS Improv & Reimagine End Of Life

Apr 18th @ 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

BATS Improv participates in the week-long “Reimagine: End of Life” event with The Death Show at Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture. The “Reimagine” event in San Francisco is a community-wide conversation featuring 175 events in dozens of locales, ranging from religious and healthcare facilities to SFJAZZ and other performance venues.

BATS Improv tackles the taboo topic of death by using audience suggestions, ideas, questions, and impressions to create spontaneous scenes, songs, games, and music, all improvised during the performance. Join BATS for this groundbreaking event and be part of a collective effort to start conversations about how to handle end-of-life issues in more positive and beneficial ways.


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